Reading aids

You can read by splitting paragraphs as a list of sentences, and also view on "parts of speech" mode for better reading comprehension and analysis.

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Parts of speech

To view all parts of speech of a given paragraph:

  1. Open any book
  2. Click on any paragraph
  3. Click on the icon with the connecting squares.


To view the paragraphs split by sentence:

  1. Open any book
  2. Click on the top right menu (three dots)
  3. Click on "Paragraphs as sentences"
Summon the menu from any chapter you read... three dots, then "paragraphs as sentences"

The original paragraph will be broken into sentences, with the sentence number appearing on the right hand side.

The original first paragraph of Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace"
The same paragraphs, now broken into numbered sentences

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